has been the channel of choice for job vacancies in the catering sector since 2005. Indeed, this job site has served as the benchmark for attracting the right people for 15 years!
What do we do?
- Creation of personalised advertisements
- Online within 24 hours
- With logo and photo
- Publication of company film (if available)
- Job vacancy remains online on for 6 weeks
- Job applications sent directly to your mailbox
Submitting an advertisement
You can submit a job vacancy via one of the following options:
- Online
- Mail:
- By telephone: 03/4494531 of 0471/111.000
- SMS: 0471/111.000
- Via an account (packages only)

Choose a custom menu
Package 1
1 job vacancy
Online for 6 weeks
Direct mailing
Job alert activation
Facebook Top 5
Personal company profile
Company logo on homepage
Login account
€ 149
Package 5
5 job vacancies - within 6 months
Online for 6 weeks
Direct mailing
Job alert activation
Facebook Top 5
Personal company profile
Company logo on homepage
Login account
€ 599
Package 10
Placement of 10 job vacancies - within 1 year
Online for 6 weeks
Direct mailing
Job alert activation
Facebook Top 5
Personal company profile
Company logo on homepage
Login account
€ 999
Boost your advertisement via social media
+ €90.-
- Sponsored ad on Facebook
- Banner on homepage (3 days)
- Instagram post
- Instagram story with swipe up
- Lazy Monday App listing
- Google for jobs (not yet operational)
Terms and conditions
* Each advertisement refers to 1 concrete position within your company. This is invariably a single advertisement which cannot be modified during the course of the 6 weeks. Prices are exclusive of VAT.
* The ‘5’ and ‘10’ discount packages cannot be combined with other promotions, discounts or agency commission.
* The package that you purchase in the discount bundle must be used up within the anticipated period; this period cannot be extended.
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